Forestry - Logyard - Sawmill
Forestry and Primary Breakdown
An overview of structural log characteristics, log preparation, 21st century sawmilling.
Topics: Structural Timber
21st Century Sawmilling
Red Stag Timber has invested heavily into the development of the Waipa site. This investment has raised the bar significantly in terms of sawmilling technology in New Zealand.
The construction of a new sawmill supplied by USNR in North America has resulted in New Zealand's first "Super-Mill" coming on stream. At times of high demand, such as that being experienced in New Zealand right now, this development was brought to fruition at an ideal time for the construction industry, which includes builders, merchants and consumers.
In this training video you will come to understand how climate and terrain affect the quality of logs and their suitability for production of structural timber. A visit to a nursery will highlight the importance of silviculture and propagation. Careful selection of logs through sonic scanning in the log yard demonstrates that not every log makes the grade and that only the best will be destined for a packet of Red Stag structural timber. Then, in the sawmill itself, this virtual tour will show how the very latest in sawmilling technology is applied to extract exactly the right properties from every log through a combination of laser scanning, efficient processes and and via the horizontal shape saw - the only one in New Zealand.
Log Supply
Analysis and understanding of logs as a raw material together with how they are planted as seedlings or cuttings, the climatic and geographical conditions influence the quality of the structural log. These factors, together with the breakdown of that log provide a good background for builders to understand how the natural characteristics of timber come about and how some of these characteristics can either be taken advantage of to make better structural timber or excluded at the outset to prevent undesirable elements from ever being included.
Technology Improves Efficiency
It is important to both merchants and to builders to have efficient producers of quality building products in the supply chain. This results in higher production volumes of better quality timber at a competitive cost for the end user. Red Stag are leaders in terms of the use of the latest technology and the resulting improvements are evident in this video and in other areas of production shown in this training programme.

1 Forest Logyard Sawmill
Forest, Logyard and Sawmill description
Study Materials

Forest - Logyard- Sawmill
Silviculture and Primary Breakdown of the log
An introduction to the silviculture process to grow trees suitable for the production of high quality structural logs. The video shows the conditions most suitable to produce logs of this caliber and then how they are sorted, graded and debarked before proceeding to primary breakdown where the log is reduced to rough sawn products that are suitable for later processing.